Let’s keep it real on a Friday, when you’re making your checklist for a man, do you list a specific age?
Are younger guys listed in your “no way” column, do older guys make you say “eeewww”?
Since I started dating I never believed in dating younger men. I always dated men older than me because I believed that they are alot more mature and more likely have set plan in life. Younger guys I believe are more child play and are everywhere!! I step out of my norm of dating a younger guy and will not do it again. I believe there are someone out there for everyone but for me, I will not go back young!
When we see an older woman with a younger man, we tend to think: why is she robbing the cradle, is she that desperate? And secondly, why is he with her and her baggage, doesn’t he want a more vibrant woman?
Men always date much younger women. Kimora Lee was 23 when she wed a 41-year-old Russell Simmons. Beyonce, at 26, married a 38-year-old Jay-Z and back in the day Diana Ross was 27 when she had 42-year-old Berry Gordy’s daughter.
Do you think it’s all about a vibe and commitment, or is age more than just a number?
Cub - Younger Man interesting in dating or sleeping with a woman 10 or more years older then him (usually in their late teens, 20’s and 30’s)
Puma - A woman in her 30’s (They use to be called C.I.T’s… Cougars In Training)
Cougar - A woman in her 40’s interested in dating or sleeping with men 10+ years younger then her
Manther - A woman in her 50’s interested in dating or sleeping with men 10 years or more her junior
Snow Cat - A woman in her 60’s interested in dating or boinking ( lol) men 10 years or more her junior
Jaguars - A woman in her 70’s interested in dating or hooking up with younger men

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