
Confession--GHETTO Parenting

I was looking around the web and ran into this..WOW.. really "Ghetto Parent". lbvs (learned what that meant today..lol) I mean of course i heard the term Ghetto before but "Ghetto Parents".. this is too funny. I have a share of friends that may curse around their kids, smoke, and drink... but would that be bad parenting, or ghetto.. I don't know??

According to Chicago Sun-Times columnist Mary Mitchell, you might be a “ghetto parent” if you:

Curse around, and at, a child.
•Brawl with your man or woman in front of your child.
•Let your child roam the streets until somebody else’s mother has to tell the child to go home.
•Put your child off on friends and relatives because you want to hang out in the street.
•Get so hooked on substances that Family Services has to remove your children and place them with strangers.

We use the word ghetto to describe outfits, personalities, habits, and now, parenting skills…is the term OK to use? How many times have you been a “ghetto parent” (according to Mitchell’s list) and cursed in front of your kids? Are people being too sensitive when it comes to “ghetto”?

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