
Confessions--Behind Church

Its tradition, every (ok not EVERY, but I’m being funny) black person wakes up Sunday morning, blast Kirk Franklin and get going to their local Baptist church. Everyone then gathers at their place of worship to get a good sermon from their Pastor, Deacon, or Minister to get them on the right path to righteousness. Me personally, at a young age I’ve believed that the next thing closet to Jesus was the Pastor (ok, I’m being funny again), until one day, a memory I won't forget when I found out a Pastor is human. They cheat, lie, steal, and sin just like us. Its like telling a child Santa isn't real (funny but not funny)..lol. I have had my share of experience in churches, I believe we all have. We all have been brainstormed to believe pastors are Jesus and to do right by them and your life is good.

Now before you read further I am a woman of God and pretty spiritual. But it is painful to know the stories of Pastors having affairs with the parishioners, stealing money, living a Down Low lifestyles, Really? It's sad but true. Eventually you will start to get use to going to church and listening to just the WORD and not the voices. Now I do still got hopes, and believe that there are in fact some good faithful churches out there and almost perfect pastors that don't have any motives behind their power. But until then I will continue to be able to develop a closer relationship with God where I will not have to be destroyed by disappoints of one person’s mistakes.

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