
Confessions-- Music in My Soul

Everyone knows I have a passion for music. I might not sing or play an instrument but I love music.. I love it all from country to R&B. Now I might had my share of ups and downs in my career path but for some reason music keeps on bringing me back. Currently I'm pursing my degree in Music Business at Globe University. My goal, I want to eventually be able to have so much knowledge about music that I can deliver the feeling and sound of music with my writing. I'm inspired when I read from magazines such as VIBE, and ROLLING STONE ( BTW..IF ANY EDITORS ARE READING THIS PLEASE LET ME BE APART OF YOUR TEAM...Lol) Now if anyone knows me well and have been in my car they will all know my favorite genre is NEO SOUL. I love Neo Soul simply because its poetry w/ music, it gives you a good feeling. When I want to feel positive about life, and love through the good and bad... This is the music I listen to. This type of music isn't something that a lot of people will dig (I’m sure cause a lot of my friends hate getting in my car...Lol). Some of my fellow Neo Soul lovers, may also enjoy listening to Jazz and Poetry.

So here I leave you with a couple of my favorite songs that I jam to daily...

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